Investor Board

Elaine Suleski
Acme Brick Company, VP & CFO
Tad Heitmann
Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Head of Corporate Communications
Stephen Neuman
American Airlines, Manager Director, External Affairs
John Robinson
Amon G. Carter Foundation, Executive Vice President Grant Administration
Darwin Winfield
Atmos Energy, Manager of Public Affairs
Ken Randall
Baird, Hampton & Brown Inc., CEO, Senior Electrical Engineer
Michael Pavell
Bank of America, President
Candice Nickelson
Bank of Texas, Sr. Regional Community Relations Manager
Regional Marketing and Community Relations professional providing senior leadership in community relations, sponsorships, public relations and cust...
Charles Williams
Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center- Fort Worth, President DFW West
Brian Chase
Bell , VP, International Government Affairs
Jeanelle Davis
BNSF Railway, Exe. Director - Public Affairs Director
Scott Clark
Burns & McDonnell Engineering, Inc., Vice President and General Manager DFW Offices
Kurt Schaal
Capital One Bank, Fort Worth Market President/Sr. V.P.
Rick Merrill
Cook Children's Health Care System, President and CEO
Ken Buchanan
Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Executive Vice President
Lonnie Nicholson
EECU, CEO and President
Brian Coltharp
Freese and Nichols, Inc. , President/CEO
Hadley Woerner
Frost, Regional President, Tarrant County
Susan Sheffield
GM Financial, CFO & Treasurer
J. Russell Reid
Higginbotham, President & CEO
Charlie Campbell
Hillwood, Sr. Vice President, Finance & Administration
Phillip Wiginton
JPMorgan Chase - Throckmorton, Market Executive
Marianne Auld
Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP, Managing Partner
Becky Redman
Lockheed Martin, Government Relations, Senior Manager
Holli Davies
Meta Platforms, Inc., Regional Community Development Manager
Elizabeth Brands
Morris Foundation, President & CEO
Richard Casarez
Oncor Electric Delivery, Vice President/Customer Operations
Dale Klose
PNC Bank, Territory Executive Southwest & Mountain Regions
Charlie Royer
Royer Commercial Interiors, Vice President of Sales
Lori Baldock
Simmons Bank - W. 7th Street, President - Fort Worth Market
Chris Rogers
TDIndustries, Vice President
Barclay Berdan
Texas Health Resources, CEO
Reed Pigman
Texas Jet, Inc., President
Mark Faber
Texas Motor Speedway, Executive Vice President and General Manager
Jennifer Cowley
The University of Texas at Arlington, President
Bexie Nobles
WALSH, Director of Marketing and Community Relations
Isabel Barnes
Wells Fargo, Senior Business Relationship Manager
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